Gardening with
Wildlife in Mind

Flowery meadows

On farmland, meadows were once commonly cut for hay at the end of the summer and then grazed by stock. Most of these flower-rich grasslands have now gone - 95% were "improved" (ploughed, re-seeded and fertilised) or converted to arable crops in the 50 years after World War II. There may be 200,000 ha of garden lawns, almost all of which are currently carefully tended to eradicate any wildflower that makes an uninvited appearance. Few people may want to turn their entire lawns into wildflower meadows but these are hugely valuable wildlife habitats, even on a small-scale. Creating them is not easy since lawn soils are generally very rich and weedy, unwanted vegetation can easily take over once regular cutting stops. However, few garden habitats are more rewarding in wildlife terms than a well-made meadow.

Valuable for:

Hay meadow wild flowers,
insects such as bees, butterflies, grasshoppers and crickets etc,
garden birds, which feed on the insects and seeds,
amphibians - that use meadows as cover.

Useful tips:

Selected specialist publications:

Lewis, P. (2003) Making Wildflower Meadows. Frances Lincoln Ltd
Steel, J (2002) Meadows and Cornfields Osmia Publications. Available from
Verner, Y. (1998) Creating a Flower Meadow. Green Books Ltd

See other garden wildlife habitats

Ponds and marshes
Walls and fences